10 febbraio 2012

A Day-long Meeting in Manfredonia

Last week on Friday (03.02.2012.) we had a possibility to visit organizations in Manfredonia with Annibale from Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Capitanata. He is a very nice man that we met in the office of Ce.Se.Vo.Ca.
We visited the Galileo Galilei Scientific High School and there we spoke with the local students about their volunteering experiences and about our EVS. This was a very good meeting to get in a touch with the volunteers of the future and to meet with their good teachers.
After the school we went to the Municipality of Manfredonia and we had an appointment with the person in charge of the youth policy and immigrants in Manfredonia. He talked about many interesting things, about the situation with the immigrants in his city and about some questions of youth police.
From the school we went to the Laboratorio Culturale Urbano  and there we knew how it works in practice an Italian Youth Center.
That day the last official visit was to meet with the persons who prepares and organizes the Carnival of the city. They are very enthusiastic persons and I hope I can join the festival with them.
Last but not least there was also a very important unofficial meeting with a local baker who is a very good person and a very good friend, too.
Finally, I would like to thank the wonderful company of the local guys (Sara, Gaetana, Giuseppe, Saverio and their friends, too) who supported me to join better these meetings, and also thanks to Annibale for organizing the meetings and treating  us to the famous, very good local food and giving us a very enjoyable company too.

Zoli, EVS volunteer “A Solidarity Shelter”

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