This is maybe the only word that can define quite precisely the country that gave birth to the great Frèdèric Chopin and that for just one week has been the scene of that amazing cultural exchange that saw all of us in action together with guys and girls coming from different nations like Germany, Norway and – of course – Poland.
Poland is such an extraordinary country, really welcoming and full of hospitable and affable people, where the really low cost of living (…or at least for not natives! :D) contributes to make the time you have to spend there even more pleasant.
Seven days are definitely not enough to fully appreciate a town or – more in general – a whole nation… But the deal is that if it only could be possible, I think everybody of us would come back again, even now, in this exact moment, among the streets of the piękne (“beautiful”, ndr) Częstochowa or in that lovely place tucked away among the woods and the lake that hosted us in Poraj, a little village not so far from the town itself.
Since the “theme” of the exchange has been “Be Active for a healthier lifestyle”, it’s obvious that the main activities of our days in Poraj have been those concerned with outdoor sports like beach volley, tennis, swimming and so on (…but don’t forget about the afternoon spent in the Rope Park and in the Paintball field!) together with workshops and group activities done to improve integration between the participants and the groups themselves.
And what about the delirious intercultural evenings? “Baptized” by our great polish friends (who entertained us all with dances, games and of course with their typical dishes & drinks [God bless Żubrówka!, ndr]) and continued by the Norwegian guys first, and by the Germans later, up to the last epic (or better, TACTIC!) italian evening: grand final with pasta, tarallucci and win…NO! NOT WINE! Just “typical Italian water” appreciated by everyone even more than a Brunello di Montalcino (…this is actually a really typical and very expensive Italian wine!, ndr) !
Apart joking, maybe our self-irony has been the key of our “achievement”!
After an holiday abroad everyone should feel spiritually and personally enriched: and I’m sure this happened to every single one participant to this amazing Youth in Action project.
Longing? A lot. Will to start a new project from scratch? EVEN MORE.
Serena (...friend of misery & partner in crime, as usual! :D)
Roccia ("...ONE MORE TIME!" :D)
Toto (…THE BOSS! :D)
Lily (...pure sweetness! :*)
Giusy (...big explosion of happiness! :D)
Gianroberto (...CAROTINO!!! :'D)
Luca (...the more hospitable person in the whole world! *_*)
Thanks for facing life with your priceless smiles. You made my trip worth every second. :)
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