20 gennaio 2012

A Pronvice in Action: From Local Networking and Co-operation to the EVS promotion in the Province of Foggia

On Thursday 19 January, The EVS Volunteers of the Mondo Nuovo Project "A Solidarity Shelter", promoted by the Italian National Agency in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme, meet the Centro Servizi Volontariato di Capitanata (Ce.Se.Vo.Ca) under the aegis of the Province of Foggia, departement for the European Voluntary Service, to discuss about the promotion of EVS at a local level and the involvement of local organisations in the YiA Programme.
Here is their account of the day:

 A Special Thank to the cooperation between the Province of Foggia, APS Mondo Nuovo and Ce.Se.Vo.Ca for making this meeting possible. Above, some pictures of the meeting at the Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. (Foggia, Italy)

“On January 19th me, my collegues and our mentor (Antonio Salvati) went to Foggia to visit the Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. which is a social organisation promoting voluntary activities and helping social organisations in the Province of Foggia.
           In Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. we were entertained by the organisation staff and  four local volunteers. The main aim of meeting was “how to improve EVS and Youth in Action Programme volunteering in Provincia of Foggia, how to encourage local young people become volunteers, how to explain benefits of volunteering”
            Therefore, we decided to arrange some meetings with local voluntary organisations, schools and youth centers, which will be coordinated in co-operation by Ce.Se.Vo.Ca., Mondo Nuovo and teh Province of Foggia. During these informal meetings we will get to know young people, we will explain what EVS is about, what a volunteer is and what a volunteer does. In addition to that we will talk about our own experience and our friends’ experience in Italy.
            Besides we were invited to take part to some trainings which are arranged by Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. staff. That trainings will be about conflict management, intercultural learning, intercultural dialogue. We also decided to support two projects: “Roxana” Project against sexual exploitation and “Aquilane” Project against human beings traffic.
           In the end we were given some documents about on-going projects. I wish to thank all Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. staff and volunteers for their hospitality and more thanks for the delicious desserts!”
EVS Volunteer "A Solidarity Shelter"

“...The visit of Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. was really interesting for me because I heard many new aspects of national and international voluntering too.
The organisation knows all of the national and international volunteering related facts. They have places and programmes to promote voluntering and they try to involve people and young people too to be a volunteer. The organisation generally promotes volunteering at schools in Manfredonia and there they have a Youth Center too.
This organisation also supports other voluntary associations in the province of Foggia with office equipment, trainings, and information about problems, rights, opportunities they have.  
One thing that I personally find very useful for my future is that if somebody’s interested in the international programmes or projects of the associations in the non-profit sector he has a possibility to visit them and to know better their work in fourteen work days. This possibility is inside in Youth in Action programme

EVS Volunteer "A Solidarity Shelter"

“Today we had a meeting in a very friendly atmosphere with an organization called  Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. It was very funny and interesting. We were glad that there was not only the staff  of  Ce.Se.Vo.Ca.,  but also the local volunteers.  We talked a lot about the work and structure of this organization, about its projects and nowadays problems. Also we told about ourselves, why we decided to become EVS volunteers and what we learnt during out stay here in Italy.
Before I decided to become a volunteer, I was told that no one needs this and no one will be interested in me. But this is not true! As I can see, every kind of experience is appreciated here. The voluntary structure in Italy differs a lot from these structures in my country, and people look in a different way at our work. We are 4 EVS volunteers here and each of us came from different countries, have different knowledge, we are not only learning, we also can add something, develop our own ideas. This is gain not only for us as young people with our own lives and future, but also for the Youth organizations.  And it was not out last meeting with Ca.Se.Vo.Ca. This organization invited us for other meetings with young people to promote EVS, to show that this is real thing which gives you a lot.”

EVS Volunteer "A Solidarity Shelter"

One of the ideas of my EVS was to learn more about the structured volunteering here in Italy as it is quite advanced and has a long history. Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. is a vivid proof of these words. It’s a well-established network of non-profit organizations which conducts consulting and training activities to develop and qualify volunteering in the Region of Puglia.
For me personally it was quite interesting to learn about opportunities of carrying out voluntary activities on the national level and share my motivation and my experience of doing European Voluntary Service. This is something that I’m definitely going to bring back to my home country and use as a guide to promote and develop this kind of practices.
But the thing that I’m really looking forward to now is to meet other Italian young people and tell them: “Yes, I did it! You also can! And it will be such a pity if you miss your chance to join EVS!” I bet it will be an enjoyable cooperation for all of us.
And yes, many-many-many thanks to all Ce.Se.Vo.Ca guys that we met. They were so nice and welcoming. See you soon!”

EVS Volunteer "A Solidarity Shelter"

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