27 marzo 2012

Due esperienze di volontariato a confronto: i volontari SVE incontrano i volontari SCNe in partenza per la Polonia

La mattina del 13 marzo siamo tornati presso gli uffici della Provincia di Foggia dove ci attendevano il dott. Antonio Fusco e la dott.ssa Grazia Lodato, responsabili del Servizio Civile Nazionale e Servizio Volontario Europeo della Provincia di Foggia e i quattro volontari del Servizio Civile in partenza per la Polonia per un progetto di volontariato promosso dall'ente.  
L’icontro e’ stato molto vivace e interessante perché i ragazzi erano curiosi e hanno voluto sapere tutto e anche di più della nostra esperienza in Italia, del nostro servizio e della nostra idea del volontoriato europeo. 
Noi  siamo stati pronti a condividere tutto quello che avevamo visto, sentito e capito durante il nostro soggiorno, e poi certamente gli abbiamo consigliato il modo migliore per abituarsi alla vita nuova all’estero. Quando abbiamo parlato del nostro progetto e il Servizio Volontario Europeo i ragazzi hanno espresso una grande volonta’ di continuare il loro servizio come i volontari dello SVE
Secondo me, sarebbe una scelta giusta! 
In bocca al lupo!

Anna Tokareva - Volontaria SVE
"A Solidarity Shelter"

I Volontari SVE incontrano gli studenti del liceo Rosmini di Lucera

L'otto marzo, noi volontari SVE e il nostro mentore abbiamo  incontrato gli studenti del Liceo Rosmini di Lucera. Abbiamo incontrato circa cento ragazzi (tutti gli stidenti del quinto anno della scuola superiore) e abbiamo presentato il programma della Commissione europea “Gioventu’ in Azione” , sopratutto abbiamo spiegato come partecipare agli scambi giovanili internazionali e al Servizio Volontario Europeo.
Secondo me, avere questa esperienza è stata importantissima per tutti.  Da studentessa io stesso ho fatto qualche scambo giovanile a livello europeo, e mi hanno auitato capire la diversità del mondo e nello stesso tempo mi hanno fatto rendere il conto che nonostante tutte le differenze che abbiamo siamo molto simili per quanto riguardo il nostro modo di vivere, pensare, mangiare e passare il tempo libero. 
Quando si capisce e si accetta quest'idea, si cresce e si diventa più maturi.
Insieme a Nejdet abbiamo parlato in dettaglio del Servizio Volontario Europeo: cos’è, quali sono le regole, chi può partecipare ai progetti SVE. Dato che noi già abbiamo un'idea chiara dello SVE, abbiamo condiviso la nostra esperienza parlando anche dei tutti i vantaggi che offre il programma. Il scopo era fare capire agli studenti che lo SVE è veramente un'opportunità da cogliere. 
Alla fine del nostro incontro, i ragazzi hanno fatto qualche domanda per mettere in ordine tutto quello che avevano sentito. E' stato molto bello  per me, spero anche per i ragazzi!

Anna, EVS volunteer “A Solidarity Shelter”

12 marzo 2012

A Meeting on EVS with the students of Masi High School in Foggia

On the 29 february 2012, as it was arranged two weeks before, we went to Foggia to visit the Istituto Masi di Foggia (one of the technical highschools located in the center of Foggia) to meet the students of school, to tell them who we are, to explain youth in action programme and EVS: what EVS promotes, what the benefits of EVS are, how to become an EVS volunteer, also our volunteering experiences.

In the very early morning, (by the way it was cloudy and grey) at half past seven we left home to train station. We got the eight o’clock train and after twenty minutes we were in foggia. There was Antonio T. (one of our mentors friend and the person who arranged the meeting) waiting for us. We were picked by him to the highschool. In fact the meeting would be in the theatre building but before we had visited the manager of highschool to introduce ourselves and to give a short information about our project and what we would talk about.

When we finally arrived at the theatre building it was about half past nine. As you can see in the picture, hundreds of highschool students in a theatre building means a lot of noise, sudden screams and you can never make ıt out where they come from, teenagers who like Twillight series, Harry Potter; listen to Usher, Adele, Linkin park, Evanescence, and hate mathematics and chemistry. In short it means trouble!!!

They were in the cinema to watch a movie but our meeting was planned before the movie.

We were introduced by one of the students. Anna started to talk about us. She summarized youth in action programme, EVS, what an EVS project is, how people go to abroad as volunteers, which costs are being reimbursed by European commision, if volunteers are paid or not (food allowance, pocket money), what the age limits are and the trainings a volunteer takes during his evs experience. Right after Anna i started to talk about our project in particular of  “A Solidarity Shelter” and Mondo Nuovo. I explained “A Solidarity Shelter”. What kind of activites we have, what we do in the day, where we stay and the other details about our project.

As an old youth in action participant, Antonio T. told his youth exchange experiences and we finished the meeting.

After meeting we had breakfast all together and had a walk in the historical streets of Foggia. During the walking we dropped an etnic shop and in that shop we talked about EVS. (we are real promoters)

I want to thank the students, the teachers, the manager of school and especially Antonio T. For arranging the meeting and translation.

Nejdet - EVS Volunteer
"A Solidarity Shelter" 

Il 29 Febbraio siamo stati a Foggia per visitare l'istituto Masi e poi siamo andati con Antonio in un cinema per incontrare gli studenti dell'istituto interessati a partecipare al programma di SVE. All'incontro c'erano tanti ragazzi a cui abbiamo parlato delle nostre esperienze, del nostro lavoro a Lucera, di Mondo Nuovo in modo da invogliarli ad entrare a far parte dell'atmosfera dello SVE. 
Anna ha presentato il programma "Gioventù in Azione", ha parlato un po’ dei vantaggi e del finanziamento dei questi progetti europei. Poi Nejdet ha raccontato del nostro lavoro sul campo.  Poi gli studenti hanno avuto la possibilità di farci delle domande di persona.
Secondo me è stato bello questo incontro con i ragazzi perché noi siamo qua non solo per supportare il lavoro dello staff di Mondo Nuovo ma anche per invogliare altri giovani a partecipare ai programmi europei e a diventare cittadini europei.  

Zoli – volontario SVE
"A Solidarity Shelter"

On the 29 of February we had a meeting with high school students in Foggia. It was our second meeting like this, the first was in Manfredonia, but there was only  one class. We were sitting at the classroom and just talking. But in Foggia the meeting was in the building of cinema and to tell the truth I did not expect that there would be so many students! So for the first seconds I was even frightened! But first we went to school for a meeting with the director of the Masi Institute.
The students gathered there to discuss their trips to other Italian cities and to watch the movie. And we were invited to tell them about our experience. It was difficult to talk because the room was huge, so we had to use microphone and it was not so easy as it could seem. We were talking about Youth in Action program, about EVS, about all the process how to apply for the project and about the financial side of EVS. Also we told the students about our project "A Solidarity Shelter", our work and the work with the APS Mondo Nuovo. They were interested why did we decide to become volunteers and why did we choose Italy. There were some students who were very interested, so we described them everything more detailed and gave then the address of the website where they can find all this information too.

Julia - EVS Volunteer
"A Solidarity Shelter"

My Mid-term Evaluation in Naples

From 21 till 24 of February we had mid-term training in Naples and we all liked it very much! The station was our place of a meeting. Most of us arrived before the time, so we had a walk round the city, met a lot of other volunteers. As I understood it is easy to see other volunteers if you are volunteer yourself, there is something common between all of us.  At least we all were very glad to warm days in Naples after snowing and cold weather. So at 2 p. m. organizers arrive, gave us badges with our names and we went to our hotel. And I never felt myself so strange, because all 50 volunteers when they saw my surname were coming up to me and trying to read it, I think they were shocked! Ok, try yourself to read this DROGOMOSHCHENKO!
Beautiful weather and the sea made all of us happy. And I understood how much do I miss our Ukrainian Black Sea, because it is difficult to live far from the sea if you were shores girl for all your life before! And it was so great to receive this opportunity to stay for 4 days near the sea.
 It was very cool to meet our friends from on-arrival training in Rimini and also new volunteers. But this time the meeting was organized in a different way. We had more free time to get to know each other better, to talk about our work on the projects, about our own countries. During the training we were talking about our projects, about the problems and the ways to solve them, we were working in groups doing different tasks. And this time organizers were ready to translate everything in English if we did not understand well.  Also the organizer prepared surprise for us and we had masquerade party! It was not very convenient to eat in masks, but the atmosphere was magic! And in 2 days we had a party. We were dancing Turkish dances, chatting, trying to learn new for us Spanish dances and it was cool!
We decided to work hard to have one free day. So, on the last day we went to Pompei all together. I was in Naples before, but did not have time to see Pompei and it was a great surprise to all of us!
I returned home to Lucera tired and with great memories!
Thank you for this time!

Julia- EVS Volunteer
"A Solidarity Shelter"